Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams is the epitome of manifested dreams. Her presence in Georgia and national politics is the direct result of decades of progress fought by Black female leaders such as Shirley Chisholm, Pauli Murray, Mary Church Terrell and many more.

Boyce- Davies asserts that not only is Stacey’s political acumen stellar, but she is also a prolific writer. This combination merges the political and literary worlds allowing for the masses to have more access to the inner thoughts and intentions of Abrams. Embodying the “Sister outsider” framework, constructed by Audre Lorde, because of Abrams gender and race she is in a unique position of being both a political insider and a societal outsider. (Boyce-Davies, 2022)

I choose to include Stacey here because she personifies what the future of Black female leadership is in the United States of America. She is truly undaunted by the fight.


Gladys Bentley


Pauli Murray