Sis, You Might Be Taking Your CBD the Wrong Way!

When I first starting incorporating CBD into my daily wellness practice, it was quick and dirty.

I started with tinctures and would take a full dropper to the head and be on my way. There was no sense of awareness, timing or heaven forbid routine.

It was a mishmash of attempts and because of it I felt my results were spotty and inconsistent. 

Cut to me now after celebrating another birthday (go Scorpios!), and I’ve finally learned some practices that ensure I get all the benefits from my favorite Brown Girl Jane CBD products. 

If you’ve been feeling like your CBD isn’t working, try these three tips over the next month and check back in with yourself. I’m betting you’ll see some major changes!

Tip #1 - HOLD IT! CBD tinctures are most effective when you place a full dropper’s worth under your tongue and hold it for one to two mins before swallowing. I know that’s a long time, but the good news is that both Brown Girl Jane’s BALANCE & REST have a light minty taste that shouldn’t be too distracting. 

Tip #2 - START SLOW. When you’re first starting to include CBD into your daily wellness practice, try it by it’s self outside of your medications and vitamins. Let the CBD do it’s thing and then incorporate your other pills. If you have to take medicine at a specific time of day, be sure to leave at least 4 hours between taking your medication and taking your CBD. See how your body reacts and then you can adjust!

Tip #3 - GIVE IT TIME! Incorporating any new habit takes time before you see results. As much as I wish one trip to the gym would give me the abs of my dreams, it’s just not how it works. The same goes for your CBD. Try doing a consistent practice for at least three weeks and then assess how your body and emotions feel. 

The thing about CBD is once you’re in the habit of practicing you’ll most notice a difference if you stop! 

I love using Brown Girl Jane products because it’s a completely plant-based CBD, which not all are.

If you’re in search of a natural way to reduce daily anxiety and get quality sleep, check my recommendations below. 

Bonus Tip: Use my code JOYB10 to save $10 off your order every time!

*I am a proud Ambassador of Brown Girl Jane CBD Products because they work. Brown Girl Jane is a Black Women Owned CBD company that specializes in quality vegan CBD products. Visit their website HERE to learn more!


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